Amy Torf, founder & owner of Noggin Builders
Read about all the Noggin Builders staff here!
Noggin Builders, established in August 2013, provides a unique experience for children ages 2 to 14. Exploring through fun, hands-on activities in STEM, they will build creative problem solving skills, collaboration, communication, flexibility and perseverence.
What will your children need to know when they enter the workforce 10-20 years from now? We don’t know! The job they may have and the skills they will need likely don’t even exist yet! For our children to become the future leaders for our world, we need to help them become creative problem solvers and give them the tools to solve challenges that are yet unknown.
Hear Amy share the Apollo 13 story (which inspired her to create Noggin Builders) and learn guidelines for brainstorming:
TEDx: Curly Fries and Creative Problem Solving
by Amy Torf
At Noggin Builders, your child will:
- Have FUN! participating in hands-on, exploratory activities
- Explore through S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
- Develop and enhance creative problem solving and critical thinking skills, including collaboration, communication, flexibility and perseverance
We hire teachers who love exploring with children. If you have an interest in our employment opportunities, please complete our Employment Interest Form.
For more information or directions, see our Location Page.