
Elephant Toothpaste
16 ounce plastic soda bottle, empty & clean
1/2 cup 20-volume (6% solution) hydrogen peroxide liquid
1 Tbsp of dry yeast
3 Tbsp of warm water
liquid dish washing soap
food coloring
mixing cup


Safety: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can irritate and burn the eyes and skin; do not allow direct contact; in case of contact wash / flush with large amounts of water immediately

Put on safety glasses
Pour hydrogen peroxide in bottle with funnel
Add food coloring into the bottle
Add approx. 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap into the bottle; gently swish the bottle to mix it
In a separate mixing cup, combine the warm water and the yeast together; stir until mixture is combined well and pourable
Pour the yeast-water mixture into the bottle (use funnel if needed) and watch!

What’s Happening?
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has many common uses like keeping wounds clean or cleaning off contact lenses.  It breaks down into water and oxygen.  In this experiment, the yeast acts as a catalyst (a helper) to remove the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide.  This creates a foam made of water, soap and oxygen (bubbles!).  Touch the bottle – it’s warm.  A chemical reaction that creates heat is called an exothermic reaction.